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Tim Stuen – Rock Point

Tim Stuen is a Senior Pastor at Rock Point Church in Rapid City, SD

You are a blessing.  Keep delivering the word of God  in your unique way. It gets a person to really think. ~ Mary

Tim has brought me to a new desire to be closer to God the Father.  I was going to another denomination for many years and all I was doing was checking a box.  With Tim leading the charge at Rock Point I have want to learn more and to be closer to God. ~ Dave

Pastor Tim, your passion for sharing the gospel and your heart for the church is awesome!   You are very relatable and your Pastor Tim-isms are great!  I pray for strength and wisdom of our Lord for you, your awesome wife Jamie and the whole administration at Rock Point.   Big things are happening through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow! ~ Terry